Custom ROM Nexus A7 (Root,Xposed,GMS) | Nandakoin - Nandakoin


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Kamis, 22 Juni 2023

Custom ROM Nexus A7 (Root,Xposed,GMS) | Nandakoin

 Custom ROM Nexus A7 32bit (Root,Xposed,GMS)

Custom ROM 32

    Another alternative ROM Nexus that use 32bit and now finally suport up to A12 without having blackscreen boot. This is my own Custom ROM, I tried targeted fixing common issues and added some custom patch fixes focused on MLBB Mods.

Feature 32bit ROM:

  • Android 7.1.2 32bit
  • Root Included
  • Xposed modules support
  • Better performance and smooth!
  • Real Bypass Anti Ban 30d MLBB
  • Device ID sharing! One for all
  • Fixed Superuser issue
  • Fixed Zarchiver unable to extract
  • Fixed Stuck/blackscreen loading on A12
  • Fixed Play Service has same ID
  • Update "Via" to newest version
  • Added Host blocker built-in
  • Added Unlock frame rate settings MLBB
  • Added Google as default search engine
  • Added better security and privacy
  • Added ZarchiverPro
  • Added Google Mobile Service (GMS)
  • Added Play Service Info shortcut 
  • Added MLBB Data Lite, Read here
  • Removing annoying Chinese keyboard
  • Removing bloatware unused app
  • Optimizing the size of ROM
  • The ROM work on non-root device
  • Support up to A12 device, I believe A13 will work too
Q & A

Q : I'm new here, Which one should I download?
A : All these ROM is fine, But I recommend you to use stable 32 or 64bit

Q : Do I need download all these?
A :  No, you can use one ROM only

Q :  What different from with MLBB Data Lite and without?
A :  If you want to start the game after you import the ROM, It would be good if you use ROM with MLBB Data Lite. The character will not circle white, and showing the character models, read more in this post

Q :  Okay, I downloaded the 64bit ROM. Why I can't extract the MLBB Data Lite?
A :  I'm Sorry, There a bug Zarchiver in 64bit ROM. MT manager from playstore might the best another alternative for extract the files.

Q :  Is it safe? I mean my MLBB Account?
A :  Hmm...  You need to delete data play service then you will be okay. If you're talking about my ROM, the ROM itself is taken from base Official VMOS Rom that then I modified it.

Q :  What different 64bit and 32bit ROM?
A :  No different from both, but 32bit is better performance. both are safe to use

Q :  Can I avoid ban 30d MLBB using this ROM?
A :  Yes, Based my research on @Modsreview somehow this ROM can get rid of anticheat detection. I don't know how it work but it seems like there a system bug that make anticheat detection not working after I patched the ROM. Tested using Cyrax v15.4 Mod Internal 100% safe.

Q :  I do nothing, I got ban after installing the ROM and start the MLBB. how to fix?
A :  If you're using 64bit ROM, you need to clear data play service first. then you'll be okay. The ROM is sharing Play service ID and Device Id, that is why I recommend you to clear data play service first.

Q :  Force close issue is happen when I tried to use 32bit ROM, how to fix?
A :  Use 32bit Stable please.

Download Link
(ROM Nexus 32bit A7 old) (699mb) :

(ROM Nexus 32bit A7 old + MLBB Data Lite) (980mb) :
(ROM Nexus 32bit A7 (Stable) (861mb) (Recommended) :
(ROM Nexus 32 A7 (Stable) + MLBB Data Lite (1.1GB) (Recommended) :

ROM Nexus 5 A7 64bit (842 mb) :

ROM Nexus 5 A7 64bit + MLBB Data Lite (981 mb) :
Note : To use this ROM, you need to import ROM into your VMOS app. For MLBB Data Lite is located in your "/Android/Data" that you need extract first.
If you have problem stuck 99%, try re-import your ROM. or maybe restarting phone might work. Some says that use vmos assistent will work too.
  • Tested on  X3 Pro 64bit Android 12
  • Tested on Virtual VMOS
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